Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tip-Tip Melakukan Interpreting

* Before the conference make a list of the names of all the speakers so you don't have to worry about mispronouncing somebody's name.

*Don't worry about translating every word. Try to grasp the main idea of the speaker and to render it into the target language.

* Have a notepad with you. I wouldn't advice you to note down everything the speaker says as this might be distracting. But it's always good to note down any numbers, dates, titles. Cross ou the information that is no longer needed so you don't get lost in your notes.

* Make sure they give you your own microphone possibly one that you don't have to hold in your hand.

* Try to get a seat as near the speakers as possible. Before the conference present yourself to the speakers as their interpreter. That will remind them that they have to cooperate with you.

* If you feel the speaker is speaking for too long or people are beginning to speak at once don't hesitate to interrupt politely but firmly. Even the nicest speakers seem to forget sometimes that they are interpreted!

* Try to look confident even if you do not feel confident. Speak in a steady pace, not too fast and not to slow.
Keep an eye contact with the audience. The audience won't notice minor errors but will quickly sense hesitation in your voice. Interpreting is a bit like acting!

* And finally even if you feel you have made an error or think you have missed something stay calm and continue.


* Start right now producing a concise vocabulary list in all 3 languages of the words you are pretty sure will be used. Just the fact of having done this the day before should fix those words in your short-term memory.

* Don't go for complicated abbreviations at this stage: unless you are used to them, you could panic and not remember in the heat of the moment. If you have shorthand, use it - unlikely but you never know - but if you do, use it in the target language, having already translated the original in your head.

* Above all, before the event, talk to as many people as you can, especially members of the press likely to ask questions, which is what I assume you will be translating. If you relax and listen and ask the right questions, you should get a fair idea of what they will be saying later on. In my experience, such people are already thinking of what they will say and just talking gives them a chance to try out their ideas. All good material for you to store for later use.

* During the session, if something is not clear or you do not catch something for whatever reason, do not hesitate to ask the speaker to repeat. As long as you smile and seem relaxed, it will just seem normal.

* Last but not least, even if you get it all wrong, nobody is going to die, it is not worth worrying about. So relax and enjoy. it could be a fun experience.


* Drink only plain water, check your breath beforehand, eat light (you don't want to puke, but you don't want your stomach to grumble, either).

* Have a handkerchief handy, check your appearance, talk to the lecturers a few minutes before the conference start to check speech styles and last minute details, and...

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